The crowdfunding website, Kickstarter is one of the most popular ways to fund independent creative projects from films and games to technology.
Fourth of July Technology
4th of July has some common traditions like grilling, stargazing and fireworks but how about adding a few non traditional techie items this 4th of july holiday to liven up the holiday.
Cleaning up your Electronics
Steps for Cleaning up Your Electronics
1. Tidy Desktop
2. Clear and Securely Delete Old Files
3. Name and Date Files to Keep
4. Backup Important Files
5. Clean up Internet Cookies, Bookmarks and Old History
And if you’re in the market for a new external hard drive, try these!
Tips for Faster, Cleaner and More Organized Electronics
Keeping your electronic devices organized and clean is important for both helping you find you documents and allowing your devices to run smooth and efficiently.
If it’s been a while since you last organized your computer or smartphone, or maybe you’ve never really done it, getting all of those stray files and folders in order may seem like a daunting task.
One of the hottest and most sought after gadgets right now is the apple watch – but not everyone can even get one. So whether your still dreaming of one or yours just arrived.