What’s a Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is the worlds fist decentralized digital currency.
This website gives one of the best explanations of what a bitcoin is.
If you are interested in trying to use bitcoin yourself, try out Coinbase; one of the most popular and trusted bitcoin wallets.
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Airbnb and The Sharing Economy
I love this YouTube video by Campbell Mithun to help explain what the sharing economy is.
Airbnb is one of the hottest website / apps that makes great use of the up and coming sharing economy. A few weeks ago I went on a trip to San Francisco and used airbnb to help me find a place to stay. I absolutely loved it! Airbnb gave me many options of places to stay that were within my budget. I highly recommend trying it out on your next vacation!
The Technology Behind Landing A Balloon
Check out Avenza PDF Maps, an app that balloonists are using to help them navigate the skys!
Volante Software Goes To G2E
Volante Software is a startup from New Mexico that is making big moves in the casino software space. This year they are going to the Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas, the worlds largest annual gaming trade show, to show off their marquee product called SlotTrak.